Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pinterest Pro: When Your Kids Are Sick

If you are a female, with any sort of exposure to the internet, you more than likely know about the wonderful world of Pinterest. It's great for those easy (or so they say) last minute meals, craft projects, and even the disasters of the DIY site.

But how can you use it to your advantage? Well, in my series, Pinterest Pro, I'm going to attempt to show you ways, tricks, and tips for those times that you really need information, but Google spits out the same answers at every website you visit.

Today's topic is: When your kids are sick.

I am one of those mamas that likes to try everything I can before taking my children to the doctor over every runny nose. Most of the time, especially in infants, they will give you a list of things you can do to comfort your child, but no medication because of their age and organ development.

Here are a few of the best Pinterest Pins full of cures and information on what/when/how to treat your baby:

  • Using Your Scentsy. Did you know that a tbsp of Vicks and a tbsp of water in your Scentsy warmers will help to clear your child's (and your) congestion? We tried this last night with my youngest (He has RSV) and it really helped out. This really works great if you don't have a humidifier, or are like me and just want to get the word out.

  • Is This Safe? For those first time (or just curious ) moms, this is a great website. All you do is type in exactly what you are wanting to treat your child with, whether it is Tylenol or Triaminic and it will tell you if it is safe for their age group/weight. This is also a nifty site for the "what if" stages of starting solids!

  • Sick Child Kit. I cannot express my love for this nifty little organization trick enough! If you're a mom (And a full-time, busy one like I am) then you will appreciate having everything right at your fingertips. I cannot tell you how many times I went to grab the bulb syringe (booger sucker) or Vicks and had left it in the last room I used it in! This keeps everything, even things I didn't think of, on hand and ready to use at all times.

  • Magic Slushy DIY. Is your child tired of the same old same popsicle when sick? Mix it up a little with this fun, interactive, DIY slush project! I thought this was neat and even something your older ones could do while lying down on the couch (just beward of the mess)!

  • Is Your Child Too Sick For Daycare? This is a great little pin I found. It is a quick quiz from that asks common (and not so common) questions for how your child is feeling and if they should attend daycare. I know this would be great, again, for those moms who have never had childcare experience. Even from someone who has worked in childcare since I was 16, I found a few things that surprised even me!

  • Immune Boosting Checklist. This is a great one for all you crunchy mamas out there. It is a list of natural ways to help boost your child's immune system to prevent having to reach for the Tylenol! There are even Probiotics on the checklist (found in most infant formulas - especially Gerber!) and as most moms know, they really help during these cold winter months.

So there you have it, my Pinterest finds of the week for your sick child. Please remember that Pinterest is just a site though, and if you child begins showing symptoms of being very sick (lethargy, trouble breathing, etc.) please make sure you see your physician.

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